Sunday 27 April 2014

Our house reef!

First time I heard mentioning the "house reef" I had no clue what the guys from the dive shop were talking about! Then they started mentioning turtles, sharks and other exotic fish names and I understood they were referring to the coral reef that is around our small island! Talking about small island, I measured our little paradise on google earth and it is something like 250m long at the longest point and 200m at the largest point (or maybe the other way around) that is without the extension for the villas built on the water. So yes it is small. I think to snorkel around it, it probably takes around 2 hours. I haven't tried yet, but will soon I hope.

Of course diving here is the big hit, haven't been able to start yet, but just to snorkel is amazing. Here are a few pics of our amazing "house reef". It is home to I think 4 turtles, several white tipped reef shark - not dangerous and generally shy - and wow thousands of fishes: big, small, juveniles and babies! it's another world happening "down under". I am no fish expert, so if you see mistakes please do correct me!

So here we go! ... this is what i see, a couple of minutes of swimming from the shore!
Moorish Idols, Empress Angelfishes, Blue Surgeons, Butterfly fishes, Parrot fishes... just to name a few! 
Maldivian Anemone fish (our local Nemo!) and a family of Blue Stripe Snappers
Batfishes and a Oriental Sweet Lips in the background
A cute Porcupine Fish
Yellow Margin Triggerfish
A White Tipped Reef Shark - I was chasing it for a picture, but he is very camera shy! unfortunately visibility was not the best that day.

and finally one of our sea turtles! These pictures are taken on 2 occasions, but I think it's the same one...

and there are so many more! next time... 

1 comment:

  1. Superb pics...Maldives is my fav place for snorkeling....I still need to dive there!
    Here is the link to my blog....


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