Thursday 1 May 2014

Hospital trips and first lunch in Male

I have had the unfortunate need to fly to Male a few times over the last weeks for doctor visits - first A got fungi in her ears, the right, then a couple of weeks later the left. and then, ouch, i got tooth ache, so i just had to take 3 trips for one tooth! That is definitely the down side of a small island. We have a doctor on site but obviously he is neither ENT or dentist for that matter - but then you get to travel in a sea plane, and that's bonus... even with tooth ache!

View of Male after take off 
Sea plane just landed! sometimes we take off from a platform! 
So if I understood right, this is the chain of events: the resort doctor refers to a specialist at the hospital - we went to ADK hospital. I got a letter with his diagnosis and you can call the hospital for an appointment (and try to get one), otherwise you have to go early early to the hospital and get a token number before they run out... and then you wait. I was lucky enough that our HR guy went got the token so when we arrived to the hospital we were seen after 30 min, for the dentist part he kind of talked his way in and I was seen. The hospital is supposed to be the best in Male. I have to say that both the ENT and the dentist were good. The ENT didn't even prescribe antibiotics for my daughter when I told him I didn't want them! Just drops for the ears. The dentist was definitely on the patient side and treated my tooth well. I think both were from India. Price wise it was of course super cheap compared to European standards; 200mvr (13usd) for a consultation and 650mvr (45usd) for the root canal. I needed to go back on a couple of occasions, the hospital called me the day before to give me the appointment.These rates are for Maldivians and Expats. Tourists apparently pay the double, if i understood well. All in all a positive experience, it wouldn't be my first choice to get treated here, but for something like a tooth where I couldn't really do differently it's ok. 

One of the times we managed even to squeeze in a lunch. My husband needed to go quickly back to work so we had a lunch in a cafe by the jetty where the ferry goes back to the airport. 

Service was ok, food was okish, not super exciting, not horrible either. It's an easy and cool place (as in there is air conditioning!!) to go to if you are coming/going to the airport. I think the Maldives must be the only country where they serve tuna, when you order a portion of fish and chips, thought that was funny; A didn't like though, H eats everything. I had a local dish with dhal, grilled tuna in chili paste (yes again and always) and paratha. I liked mine. The place was clean with quite a lot of people coming to have a drink and take advantage of the free WIFI. 

Fried rice - it was over cooked though, so not very nice.
kids dish - whoops picture is not very clear! 
I think a main dish was about 100 mvr - I paid in US dollar and get change back in half mvr and half usd, don't forget to take your calculator with you. I think the check came with the price both in Dollars and Rufiyaa. 

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