Saturday 3 May 2014

Weather is changing

The sky was very very dark yesterday. Southwest monsoon is on the way, and that means rainy season is starting. One other thing I have learned from my expat life is how differently people perceive the weather! I have tried to find out by asking staff here how much it is actually going to rain. I get everything: from "it is going to rain everyday non-stop for a whole week" (they have never lived in northern Europe) or "it is just 10-15 minutes per day". Well I guess I have to wait and see. The rain did not come yesterday, well only about 1 minute of it and not more than a few drops. The kids love it when it rains! They can run outside in the swimming gear, jump in the pool or in the sea; they think it's great fun and H, my 2 year old, asks everyday if it's going to rain.

I love the contrast of the colours on this picture, the sea is so clear compared to that somber sky. The boat in the center is the traditional Maldivian boat, called a dhoni. The other typical Maldivian thing on the picture is one of our little friends, the makana on the left. The makana is simply the local grey heron - we have 3 living her with us, I don't think they ever leave the island. They are a common view on resort islands. 


  1. its the Rainy Season as we call in Maldivian "Hulh'angu Moosun" #monsoons

  2. oooh thx OmnipOteNce! --- my Maldvian is very limited haha - though the kids are starting to pick up on words!


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