Sunday 11 May 2014

Crazy about snorkeling!

My 4 year old is absolutely crazy about snorkeling! I never would have imagined after a couple of months on the island that I would see this! The kids obviously get very close to all the staff on the island. This is her snorkeling teacher. Unlike Bali, where the locals do not swim, here the Maldivians are very good swimmers! Nahiz was telling me that even his mum has started swimming on a daily basis - "because it's good exercise for her, you know" he said. A lot of the staff here take a break for a swim around sunset or after work. Most play football though and are very excited about today's draw ( i was told yesterday that today was i very important day! and no it's not because it is also mother's day). 

Meet Nahiz! Pro snorkeler... 
And my little girl is going out to discover the amazing underwater world of the Maldives!... She was very excited because she finally met "Nemo". We have several anemones around the island in the house reef. I think they are happy small things. I am always happy when I see some when I am snorkeling.  If you want to read more about our cute little clownfish, the Amphiprion nigripes, follow this link to Maldivesdivetravel website. 

Our local Nemo - The Maldives Anemone fish
This was 2 days ago. Yesterday she went out again - 45minutes of snorkeling with Nihaz and one of the staff from the dive shop. She told me that A was talking about all the fishes she saw: oriental sweetlips, pufferfish, unicorn fish, etc. Very casually when they came and I asked her what she saw, my little girl replies: "1 turtle and 2 sharks, white tipped reef sharks"; she stops and goes on "and you know mummy, one was very very big". Some of the staff here ask her if she is not afraid and her expression to that is priceless: she simply cannot comprehend that anybody could be afraid of looking at all theses sea creatures. "No, I am a big girl". 

I love our life on our island. Who knows she might end up being Marine biologist.  

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